Reviewed by - Larry m,

Review Given By: Larry m,

Date: November 30th, -0001

Ratings Given:
5.00 out of 5


Due to floor heave/broken floors we had AFS install their Moisture Level System under our home in May 2017. There were some issues (employee not showing up for work, confusion in the office, etc.) and I questioned whether the suction pit was sufficient to do the job (it seemed pretty superficial to me) but was assured it would work anyway. Not sure I believed it, at that time I would have given them 2 stars, maybe 3. One year later the fan burned out (probably because it was having to work too hard due to insufficient suction pit), they sent Barry Anderson to replace it and he said they would come back to install what he termed a system enhancement, which 2 weeks later he did. He used a locating service to precisely locate the end of the suction pipe (not where the original installer thought it was) and spent several hours of hard work making a new suction pit that connected to the suction pipe (3.5 feet down!) and you could instantly hear the suction. Barry really did it right, too bad he wasn't our original installer. But at least he has the system really working as intended now. Thanks Barry!